Be A Book Launchers!

Help me change the world. Sign up on the email list below to receive notifications for discounted ebook and paperback book prices for my latest cookbook in exchange for your review. Discount days will be limited. You will also receive freebies, and review information.

Amazon will promote books with at least 100 verified purchases with reviews the first week of launch.

My latest cookbook will be out in August. The Cookbook to Help Change the World: Rebuilding Families Around the Table with 5 Ingredient Comfort Food Obsessions.

I admit it. I’m on a mission.

My mission is to encourage families to eat around the table. This cookbook is full of five-ingredient recipes to help you have time to eat around the dinner table and build better relationships with your family. It’s one small way I think we can change the world.

When I was growing up, family dinner was at the center of America’s value system. Dinner time, “Supper Time” as it was called in the South, was not missed by anyone. We’ve gotten away from that. I’m convinced eating together as a family is the solution to many of our relationship and health problems. The kitchen table is the perfect time to spend consistent quality time with your loved ones.

What do I need you to be willing to do?

Amazon needs to verify purchases. So, I am discounting the Kindle book for the first week.

The first week my book is released on Kindle it will be priced at $2.99. (Because of the large file size, that is the lowest Amazon will allow.)

Purchase the ebook the first week.

Write a review on Amazon during the first week of launch.

Share my Amazon page.

If you can do these things, sign up below. I will let you know when the book launches. I will send you reminders to leave a review.

What will you get?

  1. Discounted ebook price! My ebook will be discounted at the lowest possible price on Amazon just for you.
  2. One week after my ebook goes live, my paperback will be released. For a couple of days, I will discount my paperback cookbook to the lowest amount Amazon will allow for two days only. I will notify you when the paperback is up.
  3. I will send you a digital copy of any of my other books. After leaving me a review on Amazon, send me an email letting me know which ebook you would like to receive. You can see all of my ebooks on Amazon. dianeroark8484

Please consider being a part of my launch team and sign up below. If you know someone who would be willing to help me and would love a discounted cookbook, please share this information.

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